WHO WE ARE: American Technical Ceramics Corp. (ATC) provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. ATC designs, develops, manufactures, and markets Multilayer Capacitors, Single Layer Capacitors, Resistive Products, Inductors, and Custom Thin Film Products for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications. MARKETS WE SERVE: Our products are primarily focused on the wireless communications infrastructure, fiber optic, medical electronics, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, defense, aerospace, and satellite communications markets. CORE COMPETENCIES: ATC Core Competencies include: ATC Engineered Materials, Engineered Services, Specialized Testing, Custom Products and Services, TECH-SELECT® - Proprietary ATC RF Design Software, and Technical support for both our Applications Engineering and Technical Sales Teams. For over fifty years, ATC's family of superior component and custom integrated packaging solutions has been represented by THE ENGINEERS' CHOICE® brand.

ATC Избрани производи

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